Palace and park complex in Napachanie

Ulga na zabytki – sprawdź
For Sale:
Palace (1340 square meters) and park (7.2 ha) complex with buildable land.
Price: if you are interested – please contact us
Potential development:
Napachanie palace and park complex is comprised of two plots of land. One of the plots is non-wooded and it will be possible to develop it with buildings supporting future operations of the palace, provided that the style of the erected buildings will correspond to the architectural style of the palace. The second plot of land, developed with palace, is wooded.

This beautiful, neo-renaissance palace is located in Napachanie near Poznań. It is surrounded by a stunning park of 7.5 ha with a historic stand of trees. Unique structure of the palace and numerous elaborate architectural details make this property one of the finest examples of ?Queen Anne Revival? architectural style which was present in North Europe at the end of the 19th century.

In 1417, the land on which the palace and park complex is currently located was owned by Mr Wincenty Napachanie. According to the chronicles from the 14th century, the name of the village derives from Mr Wincenty’s surname. From the 16th century onwards, Napachanie was owned by distinguished families such as Przecławscy, Miastkowscy, Białobłoccy belonging to the noble clan of Ogończyk and Moszczyńscy belonging to the noble clan of Nałęcz.
At that time, the palace was a very modern building, offering all the amenities to its residents. The examples of ground-breaking solutions adopted in the palace included food lift, window blinds integrated into the walls and cold storages located in the basement.
Cadastral data
The palace and park complex is located in Napachanie, Rokietnica administrative district, about 16 kilometres north-west of Poznań. It is surrounded by forests and situated near intersection of Poznań-Szamotuły main road that was modernized in 2012 and Rokietnica-Tarnowo Podgórne local road. According to the local development plans, Poznań ring road will be constructed about 1.5km from the property which will improve transportation in the future.